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How to Improve Your Daily Routine

The new year is upon us and the resolutions can feel overwhelming. Don't worry, you're not alone!  Here are 5 easy tips for a better you in 2019.
person standing on a hill with the sunset behind them
Written by: Tom Whittle 15 January 2019

The New Year, New Me mantra is in full swing and it can be a little overwhelming.  If you already feel behind, you’re not alone. In an effort to outdo ourselves or others, we often set the bar high, shooting for major body transformations or big jumps in routine. But resolutions don’t need to be that dramatic or grandiose in order to bring about change. Instead, what if we simplified it all by just adding a few more positive things to our lives? By tweaking what we purchase and engage with daily, we can become more conscious and improved versions of ourselves — and who isn’t up for that?

Here are a few small, but impactful things you can do to make this year your best. Whether you’re after more fitness, an improved state of mind or just a general sense of organisation, these little tips will help you achieve bigger goals.  

1)  How to get organised 

Seeing as we spend an average of 24 hours per week online (most of that being via our phones), it’s only logical that some of that time be constructive.  We’re quick to download the latest photo editor or social media app, but what about something helpful? Organisational apps like Google Keep, for example, are all the rage right now, and for good reason. These apps make it so easy to streamline your entire life. Think: voice memos, colour-coded tasks and location-based reminders — all of which can be easily shared with friends and family.

2)  How to sleep better

The invention of the smartwatch might be one of our favourite technological advancements yet. By tracking your sleep and steps, these brilliant devices essentially help keep you honest. Most people aren’t aware of how much sleep they’re actually getting each night, and until now, no one truly realised how many calories they were (or were not) burning in their day-to-day.  But a little awareness goes a long way, and a smartwatch is a great tool for instigating change. For as little as £150, you can purchase a FitBit with all the bells and whistles: sleep tracking & stages, all-day activity tracking,  smartphone notifications, goal-based exercise modes and more.

3)  How to go green

It’s 2019, which means it’s high time we start taking this seriously — and it starts with individuals.  Reducing your own personal footprint is an easy but impactful step you can take, starting today. Single-use plastics are one of the biggest threats to our environment, yet often unnecessary. This year, consider purchasing a reusable thermos, like Chilly’s, for your hot and cold beverage needs. And as an added bonus, reusable bottles will likely help you to consume more fluids and keep hydrated. Not to mention, Athletic Tea Co products pair beautifully with cups of the reusable variety.

4)  How to relax

While removing clutter from our physical spaces is a great way to start the new year, it’s perhaps the mental ones that need even more attention — and the massive rise of meditation is proof of just that. Thanks to apps like Insight Timer, quality, guided meditation is now accessible to almost anyone. Even just meditating for five minutes in the morning can noticeably alter your mood, while lowering stress and anxiety. A clearer mind means a more focused, goal-crushing you. This one’s a no-brainer.

5)  How to exercise my brain?

Binging a series is so last year - up your intellectual game by listening to a podcast. They’re a fun and easy way to expand your mind and challenge your thoughts, and can be listened to on your commute, at the gym or while tidying the house. We’re currently loving The Rich Roll Podcast, where the L.A.-based Ultraman and Ironman interviews some of the greatest achievers in the world. Various international athletes, musicians and thinkers alike grace the show weekly with incredible knowledge and inspiration. Try swapping out your playlist, or an evening of Netflix for some mind-bending content that will stimulate both the head and the heart.

What is Yerba Mate?

Throughout our time in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, we saw first hand the nations’ obsession with this super-brew. It is by far the most popular drink on the continent and Luis Suarez, Lionel Messi Neymar Jr., and most recently the England football team all swear by it. Here’s why.


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