This summer we proudly donated thousands of teas to NHS hospitals around London for those helping to keep us all safe.
We also donated a significant amount of cash to NHS Member Charities, supporting the health and emotional wellbeing of those at the frontline of the NHS, so they can deliver the best care possible to coronavirus patients.
The grants will cover above and beyond what the NHS alone can provide, such as wellbeing packs, accommodation, travel, parking and volunteer expenses.
Thanks so much for your support in making this happen!
Here are some reviews of how Mission have helped NHS staff (and continue to do so today):
“Mission was a game changer on the ward for me - I switched out energy drinks and felt much calmer and consistently alert”
“I can’t wait for my recovery tea at the end of each day - best tea I’ve tasted maybe!”
“Thanks so much for all your support Mission - an amazing company who’s teas are the no. 1 fave at St Thomas”.
"Thanks to Mission and everyone who's been supporting us. Your teas are amazing!"